Given the various challenges facing the private rented sector, less than half of landlords – 46% – are now feeling positive about the future prospects of their buy-to-let business and investments, the latest Landbay survey has revealed.
Some 19% of landlords currently feel negatively about their business, while 35% remain neutral, stating general uncertainty in the market, government interference and negativity towards landlords as key concerns.
Just a quarter – 26% – of landlords surveyed with a portfolio between four and ten properties were positive, the study found.
Of those that remain optimistic, respondents highlighted high occupancy rates with continued demand and strong rental yields. Others argued that sound management and good service will continue to separate landlords, with new regulation and tax changes impacting new entrants more than the established landlords.
The Landbay survey also asked landlords for their thoughts on the UK economy. Almost the same number of landlords (44%) felt positive about its future and expect it to bounce back.
The aim of the survey is to identify the key issues facing landlords and to establish their opinion on the future of the buy-to-let market. In addition to business and economic expectations, landlords were asked about their plans for their properties or portfolios, for rent and for remortgaging.
Paul Brett, managing director, intermediaries at Landbay said: “Landlords play a critical role in the wider housing mix in the UK, with one-in-five households in England and Wales relying on rented housing.
“As a lender to the buy-to-let market, we’re incredibly positive about the future of the sector and remain driven to support our customers through a diverse product range.”
SOURCE: Property Industry Eye | MARCH 13, 2023 | MARC DA SILVA